Balance Tip Tuesday-Imaginary Tightrope

September 20, 2022

Balance Tip Tuesday!Well, Mr. Google says this is the # 1 balance exercise. Walking an imaginary tightrope…..

Balance is an important element of our fitness training – coupled with strength, endurance, agility, mobility, and flexibility.

As early as 40 years old, our ability to balance slowly starts to diminish. Incorporating balance training into your exercise routine helps to maintain or improve your balance, which is needed to prevent falls and injuries.

Practice at home:

✅Find a place where you have room to take 6-10 steps front and back free of clutter.

✅If you can hold a wall, counter, or couch that would be safest.

✅Walk in a straight line touching heel to toe (like a walking a tightrope).

✅You can take steps forward and backwards if you feel comfortable.

✅Try to let go occasionally of your stable surface or instead of holding on super tightly – try 3 fingers or 1 finger on the wall as you practice.

✅Practice walking 6-10 steps forward and back 3x in a row. Do this a couple times per week!

Let me know how it goes!