Balance Tip Tuesday

Balance Tip Tuesday!

Today we are working on our ankle strength and balancing on our tip toes. Calf raises are a great exercise to train both strength and balance.

Let’s practice!

✅Stand with feet shoulder-width apart on a flat surface.
✅Raise your heels and stand on the balls of your feet. Try to hold here and balance for 1-3 seconds. ✅Raise up as high on your tip-toes as you can to fully contract the calf muscles.
✅ Lower yourself down slowly with control back down to a regular standing position.

✅Try to complete 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions.

With practice our balance can improve. This is true at any age young or old and also true for improved sports performance too.

Balance Tip Tuesday

Balance involves three sensory systems: the vestibular system (motion), vision (sight), and proprioception (touch). Proprioceptive training helps improve balance, allowing your body to stand upright and move while maintaining control in various movements and environments.

In this video we challenge all three systems by standing on one foot and shifting our gaze while we balance.

Practice at home 🏡

✅ Practice standing on one foot and then the other first for 30 seconds each.

✅ Then add on the head and hand movement. Track your thumb with your eyes. Stand on right foot. Then shift gaze and move head side to side while tracking your thumb 8x.

✅ Repeat the same movement balancing on your left foot.

✅ Repeat both sides if you have time and aren’t feeling dizzy (stop if it make you dizzy or nauseous).

With practice our balance can improve. This is true at any age young or old and also true for improved sports performance too.

Balance Tip Tuesday-Imaginary Tightrope

September 20, 2022

Balance Tip Tuesday!Well, Mr. Google says this is the # 1 balance exercise. Walking an imaginary tightrope…..

Balance is an important element of our fitness training – coupled with strength, endurance, agility, mobility, and flexibility.

As early as 40 years old, our ability to balance slowly starts to diminish. Incorporating balance training into your exercise routine helps to maintain or improve your balance, which is needed to prevent falls and injuries.

Practice at home:

✅Find a place where you have room to take 6-10 steps front and back free of clutter.

✅If you can hold a wall, counter, or couch that would be safest.

✅Walk in a straight line touching heel to toe (like a walking a tightrope).

✅You can take steps forward and backwards if you feel comfortable.

✅Try to let go occasionally of your stable surface or instead of holding on super tightly – try 3 fingers or 1 finger on the wall as you practice.

✅Practice walking 6-10 steps forward and back 3x in a row. Do this a couple times per week!

Let me know how it goes!

Balance Tip Tuesday

Balance Tip Tuesday!

Balance involves three sensory systems: the vestibular system (motion), vision (sight), and proprioception (touch). Proprioceptive training helps improve balance, allowing your body to stand upright and move while maintaining control in various movements and environments.

In this video we challenge all three systems by standing on one foot and shifting our gaze while we balance.

Practice at home 🏡

✅ Practice standing on one foot and then the other first for 30 seconds each.

✅ Then add on the head movement. Stand on right foot. Then shift gaze and move head side to side 8x.

✅ Repeat the same movement balancing on your left foot.

✅ Repeat both sides if you have time and aren’t feeling dizzy (stop if it make you dizzy or nauseous).

With practice our balance can improve. This is true at any age young or old and also true for improved sports performance too.

Balance Training at Home

September 6, 2022

Balance Tip Tuesday!

Balance is the ability to control your body’s position, whether at rest/stationary or while moving.

Balance is an important element of our fitness training – coupled with strength, endurance, agility, mobility, and flexibility.

Ankle mobility refers to the flexibility of the ankle joint and its surrounding muscles and tendons. When your ankle is flexible, you have a greater range of motion during your daily activities.
If your ankles feel weak, or you feel your balance is lacking, ankle exercises and stretching can improve your mobility and strength.
Including ankle stretching and strengthening in your daily routine will aid in fall prevention and better balance.

Strengthening your ankles will also help you walk properly and prevent your knee and hip muscles from weakening.

Toe Taps Daily
Seated or Standing

✅1. Tap The front of your foot up and down on RT foot 10-16 x

✅2. Tap The front of your foot up and down on LF foot 10-16 x

✅3. Repeat on RT and LF side

Let me know how it goes!

Follow me for more balance training. Like ❤️ save 📌 or share 📤 with a friend:)

Balance Training at Home

Balance Tip Tuesday!

Balance is the ability to control your body’s position, whether at rest/stationary or while moving.

Balance is an important element of our fitness training – coupled with strength, endurance, agility, mobility, and flexibility.

As early as 40 years old, our ability to balance slowly starts to diminish. Incorporating balance training into your home exercise routine helps to maintain or improve your balance, which is needed to prevent falls and injuries.

Try this quick exercise at home:

✅Place 2-3 fingers on the counter or couch.

✅Try to stand on one foot balancing for 10-15 seconds. Letting go if you feel comfortable.

✅Try to touch as many toe pads to the floor (even in a shoe) as possible.

✅Switch to the other foot. Hold 10-15 sec

✅As your ankle becomes stronger consider holding on one leg longer 30 sec to 1 minute.

Click to follow along with me here:

Let me know how it goes!

Follow me for more balance training tips and exercises. Like ❤️ save 📌 or share 📤 with a friend:)